Heidelberg Historical Society

February 2023 Meeting

Posted on Friday, 10th February 2023 by Janine Rizzetti

Heidelberg Historical Society has materials covering not just Heidelberg and Ivanhoe, but also the surrounding suburbs that over time have been part of the Shire or City of Heidelberg, and later City of Banyule. This includes Macleod and Rosanna.

Dunvegan Estate is west of Wungan Street Macleod. Today it is dominated by 1970s and 1980s houses, but the estate has a longer history.

Please join us on Tuesday 14th February at the Uniting Church Community Centre, Seddon St Ivanhoe at 8.00 p.m. when Dr. Adam Dimech will share with us the results of his research into the Dunvegan Estate Macleod, west of Wungan Street. Why did it take fifty years for the Dunvegan Estate to finally go ahead and what happened in the meantime??

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