Heidelberg Historical Society

The Stan Burley Trophy

Posted on Friday, 4th October 2024 by Janine Rizzetti

The Stan Burley HDSSA Basketball Trophy

Here’s the Stan Burley trophy for the Heidelberg District State School Association Basketball competition- one of the few school trophies that we have in our collection and on display at our ‘Back to School’ exhibition. It’s a bit hard to read the names of the winning teams, though.

Stan Burley shop near Hawdon Street

Stan Burley Men’s Wear and Ladies Fashion was one of the fixtures of Burgundy Street, having been there since 1954. At one stage it occupied two shops up near Hawdon Street, and only recently shifted down the hill closer to the Cape Street intersection.

Stan Burley shop in new location near Cape Street

Many a Heidelberg school child went there to buy their school uniform- including blazer, hats and caps.

Our ‘Back to School’ exhibition is open on Sundays between 2.00 and 5.00 p.m. at the Old Heidelberg Courthouse, Jika Street Heidelberg. Entry $5.00, members and children under 16 free. We’re also open on Wednesday16 October between 1.00 and 4.00 as part of History Month.

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