W. J. Clark is not to be confused with Sir W. J. Clarke. Mr Clark was a member of the local Williamstown Lodge:
Funeral Notice. COURT WILLIAMSTOWN, No. 3013. A.O.F. The Officers and Brethren of the above Lodge are respectfully requested to follow the remains of our late BROTHER W. SIBLEY, to the place of interment, the Williamstown General Cemetery. The Funeral will leave his rate residence, Braw street, North Williamstown, to-morrow, Sunday, the 8th inst.,at 3.30 o'clock. W. J. CLARK, Acting Secretary. in the Williamstown Chronicle, Saturday 7 December 1895, page 3. In July 1896 he was the Lodge Auditor (Williamstown Chronicle, Saturday 4 July 1896, page 2) Submitted on 1st June 2019 at 11:51 AM
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