‘Newlands is the name of an early property built in Heidelberg; it was first listed in the street directory of 1893 in Hawdon Street, Heidelberg - built for a successful early colonist ironmonger and his wife. Locally: ironmonger John Stoup Chambers was held in such high regard at St John’s Church of England, (more recently called the Anglican Church) in Heidelberg that, he was elected as a Parochial Nominator. His wife Mrs Emma Chambers, by now in her 60s, I have no doubt, was the Lady of the House - that beautiful two storey brick and rough-cast villa of nine rooms, for which her husband had commissioned specifically-sized bricks for its side fence in Banksia Street. Perhaps research into the Church’s archives could reveal activities with which she was involved; there is recorded (in the Collingwood Mercury) for example, on 5 December 1895 that, the expense of plumbing being laid on in the vicarage, was enabled with an initial financial contribution from Mrs Chambers. The donation to the Quilt would have been such a likely action from such a lady - with her initials (E.C.) and the name of her new home (Newlands) embroidered onto Square M10.’
Additional information
‘There should be no confusion about the initials E.C. with her step daughter Miss Emma Chambers - who also lived at Newlands; and was involved in her father’s Melbourne-based business of Chambers and Seymour. Miss Emma used a second middle name – this was confirmed by her father when naming her in his Will; although it was a different name to that registered at her birth.’
‘For more detailed information - available in Heidelberg Historical Society (HHS) Museum:
Re: Newlands: Undated photographs…
Copies of contact prints from glass photographic plates depicting Newlands are in the HHS Museum computer.
A copy of a hard copy photograph depicting Newlands with some years of garden growth, including the corner planting of a lemon scented gum that is still standing; is on p74 in the two section edition of my three section book Schoolmaster John Chambers 8.12.1809 - 23.4.1877 with comprehensive NOTES - in its plastic document storage box in the Research Room.
The original of this undated photograph that, over many years was in my possession before I gifted it, can be viewed on-line in the Collection of State Library Victoria.’
‘Re: Mrs Emma Chambers
Information about her can be found in the two section edition of my three section book Schoolmaster John Chambers 8.12.1809 – 23.4.1877 with comprehensive NOTES - in its plastic document storage box in the Research Room.
There are further references to this family in articles I have had published in The Heidelberg Historian, the bi-monthly newsletter produced by the HHS, which are accessible on-line - based on the research in my book. I must point out that my article entitled Miss Emma’s Tree is preferably read from a copy of my original article available in the Research Room as, the printed version was unfortunately altered.’
Copyright Judith Lesley 2020
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