The meeting was held on Wednesday evening, when there were present :—
A letter was read from the Railway Commissioner regretting that he was not prepared to accede to the council's request for five extra trains on the Collingwood and Heidelberg line, but he was agreeable to include two extra trains in the summer time table to come into operation on 1st December.
These extra would be as follows :—
Consequent on this addition to the service the time of departure and arrival of existing trains would be altered as far as practicable to meet the wishes of the council. On the motion of Cr Ford the consideration of the matter was postponed for a fortnight, as it was of too great importance to be dealt with off-hand.
Mr E. H. Bromby, Heidelberg, asked the council, when framing the estimates, to make provision for taking away the drainage of Mount-street.
On the motion of Cr Latham the letter was referred to the engineer and members of the riding to report.
The following tenders were accepted :—
The engineer reported as follows :—
FAIRFIELD. The crossings in Gillies-street and Station-street, referred by Cr Waddell, have received attention.
I am having the work carried out at the entrance to the right-of-way off Westgarth-street.
IVANHOE. The culvert under the Studley-road has been repaired.
The notices for the right-of-way off Waterdale-road will be served before next meeting.
HEIDELBERG. Contractor has begun the channel setting at the new court house and is proceeding satisfactorily. I have begun the formation in Darebin street, and am utilising the surplus material in filling up the holes lower down. Notices have been served on Mrs Studley and the executors of the late Mark Sill to construct proper crossings over the Cape-street footpath.
GREENSBOROUGH. I have been unable to visit this riding since last meeting. I have sold some of the waste-material from old Diamond Creek bridge to Mr Wilson for the sum of £1 1s. General.—Throughout the shire the metal spreading is practically complete. The report was adopted.
"THE NECROPOLIS OF THE METROPOLIS." This phrase was used by Cr Latham in speaking on a motion regarding a cemetery site for the metropolis. He said he had learned that Heidelberg was likely to be proposed as a suitable locality for a burial ground, and he objected to any part of the shire being made "the necropolis for the metropolis." Cr Pizzey said the people of the shire had peculiar ideas. They did not object to their land being used as nightsoil depots, but they did not want a well appointed cemetery. Cr Latham, whose position in connection with the local cemetery makes his utterances on the subject important, said that during the last five years the burials in the Heidelberg cemetery only averaged 68 per annum. Ultimately, in response to a communication on the subject, Crs Rollason and Ward were appointed to represent the council at a municipal conference, and on the motion of Cr Rank were instructed to resist any proposition to establish a general cemetery in Heidelberg.
TIME OF MEETING. Cr. Pizzey moved that in future the council meet at 3.45 in the afternoon instead of 2.45, and in the evenings at 8.15 instead of 7.15. He believed that the alteration, if given effect to, would result in the more regular and convenient attendance of members. Cr Latham seconded the motion. Cr Ryan said Cr Pizzey had promised the rate-payers of Creensborough at his election that he would always advocate day meetings. He was now turning his coat. Cr Pizzey, "No, only turning up the cuffs." (Laughter.) The motion was then put and carried.
BOARD OF HEALTH ELECTION. The council considered who should be voted for in connection with the vacancy on the Board of Health, caused by the death of Cr Dreverman. Cr Rank moved, and Cr Ford seconded, that the council's vote be given to Cr Visseux, of Berwick. Cr Waddell moved, and Cr Latham seconded, in favor of Cr Kane, of Kangarong shire. In speaking of the latter gentleman's qualifications, Cr Latham said, "When I first met Cr Kane, he struck me—." Cr Ford, " Oh, dear, shocking !' (Laughter.) Cr Latham, "He struck me as being a smart, shrewd man. (Laughter.) He is not an intimate friend of mine, he keeps a large hotel." (Laughter.) Cr Dunne: "And he sells 'horonda'. (Laughter.) I notice Cr Latham is getting a different man since he has taken to drinking 'haronda.' " (Laughter.) The council decided to vote for Cr Kane.
NEW STREETS. In the absence of Cr Ward, Cr Latham moved that the council now adopt plans and specifications, &c., for the construction of Chamoni-street and portion of Lucerne-crescent, in the Ivanhoe riding. Cr Ford seconded the motion.
A number of ratepayers appeared to ask for a modification of the plans, so as to decrease the cost. Mr J. S. Adams said the street was to be constructed too substantially for requirements for years to come. There was to be 10 inches of metal put on. The traffic would be comparatively light. He did not think there was any necessity for footpaths at present. In fact, all that was really required was provision for drainage. The cost to the ratepayers on the plans submitted would be about 6s. 9d. per foot. The council should modify the plans so far as would allow it to take over the street.
Cr Pizzey said Mr Smith, of the London Bank, had approved of the council's scheme, and the London Bank was one of the largest contributors to the cost. Cr Waddell said the council would have to protect itself by making a substantial construction before taking the street over, and Cr Ford expressed similar views.
The engineer said the costs as per plan, was estimated at £450. There was to be 4 inches of rough pitching and 6 inches of metal put on the road. By putting only 4 inches of metal on he could save about £27. He pointed out that the acquirement of easements, &c., would make the council large contributors to the work.
It was eventually arranged that the councillors for the Ivanhoe riding and the property owners interested, with the engineer, should hold a conference at the corner of Como and Chamoni streets at 5 o'clock on Monday evening, and that a report be furinished to the next council meeting.
THE PARK. On the motion of Cr Davey it was decided that the present lessee of the park be given three months notice to terminate his tenant rights, and that tenders be called.
HEIDELBERG DRAINAGE. Cr Rank said the members of the Heidelberg riding and the engineer had considered a scheme for completing the drainage of Heidelberg. They were of opinion that the drain should be extended from Cape-street as far as the corner of Mr May's property. Then provision should be made for taking in drainage from the rear of the Commercial Bank, and also for continuing it along Burgundy-street to receive the Austin Hospital drainage. Then from opposite Mr Meade's in Hawdon-street, by the gully, to Main street, so that provision be made for the whole of the drainage from Messrs. Bromby's, Milnes, Greaves, Heat's, the station house, the valley beyond the railway, and the soakage from the Austin Hospital. He moved that the engineer be prepared to prepare plans and specifications in accordance with this scheme, and in the meantime, interview the various owners with a view to acquiring easements, as the drainage would go through four private properties. Cr Davey seconded the motion. Cr Ford moved as an amendment, that the engineer prepare a rough scheme and submit it at the next council meeting. Cr Rollason supported the amendment, which was carried. Cr Waddell asked what the members for the riding had done in regard to the acquirement of McEwin's land. Cr Rank said negotiations with the Heddle family had been so far unsatisfactory. They had offered to give an easement for £30 if the council erected walls 2 feet high on either side of the sewer, otherwise they demanded £40. He moved that the council offer £20 for the easement. Cr Davey seconded the motion, which was carried.
GENERAL BUSINESS. The following motions were agreed to—By Cr Ryan—That £1 be forwarded to Constable Swannick, at Diamond Greek, to pay the bonus on killed foxes. By Cr Rank—That the engineer fill in the large hole at end of Darebin street, and attend to water tables in Vine-street.
NEW COUNCILLOR. Dr Rollason who was elected unopposed as one of the representatives of the Heidelberg riding since last council meeting, was welcomed by councillors, Cr Ford remarking that he hoped during the next year the council would be "a happy family." At the conclusion of the business Cr Ryan proposed Cr Rollason's health, and believed he would make an admirable representative. Cr Rollason, in replying, said he had always taken a great interest in public matters, and it had been his ambition to occupy a seat at the council table. He intended throughout his municipal career to be consistent, and would thoroughly consider, and make himself fully acquainted with, all matters before he voted on them. (Hear, hear.) He, in fact, intended to do his duty by the ratepayers thoroughly and to the very best of his ability. He believed that when it was recognised a man was consistently endeavoring to do what he conceived to be right that he would gain the respect of the community and the confidence of the ratepayers. He did not intend to kick up any rows—(hear, hear,)—and would work harmoniously with his colleagues so long as they were trying to serve the best interests of the riding and the shire. (Applause.) The doctor's health was drunk in bumpers of "horonda" and—whisky.
Heidelberg Historical Society (Inc. No. A0042118P)