Main heading

The Aims of the Society

The Society encourages the study of History as it affects Australia and especially relating to the Heidelberg area.

Its aims are to :—

  1. Acquire either by purchasing or from donations or loans, interesting objects or material related to the study of Australian History, especially that of Heidelberg and the nearby district.

  2. Preserve all historical materials such as printed matter, documents, manuscripts, books, recordings, pictures, maps and other artifacts.

  3. Make historical material available for inspection by interested people, at our Museum, and online.

  4. Assist in the preservation of historical and other buildings and landmarks in Heidelberg and the nearby district.

  5. Hold meetings, make publications, conduct lectures, readings, excursions and exhibitions of objects of historical nature, and make recordings and take pictures as appropriate.

  6. Conduct the Society on a non-sectarian and non-political basis.

      Postal Address
    • Heidelberg Historical Society
    • PO Box 39
    • Heidelberg VIC 3084
    • Email Address:
      Phone: (03) 9455 2130

    Archive notes at Heidelberg Museum

Who We Are.

We are a varied group of people with a shared interest in understanding and preserving the history of Heidelberg and surrounding suburbs. This includes helping to provide a place for the accumulation of objects and documents that add to the district's story. We want people to be able to find historic artefacts and information in the future. We want to make sure that these materials are not lost. And we enjoy working in the Heidelberg Museum.

What We Do.

Many of our members have developed a substantial knowledge of the Heidelberg area. Some have special subjects of interest. Some are serious students of history, including post graduate students. Whether you know a lot or a little on the subject, we learn from each other. Everyone is welcome and everyone's contribution is appreciated.

How You Can Join Us.

Becoming a member is the best way to support the Society. It's also a way to make new friends, to share a common interest in local history and to learn new skills.

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Then complete the on-line form and submit it according to the instructions on the page. Society membership gives you free entry to the museum and access to our resources. Members also receive a copy of our bi-monthly newsletter, the Heidelberg Historian.

Volunteering on Weekdays

We need members to assist in a wide range of ways.

Traditionally on Mondays and Thursdays, volunteers attend the museum to undertake a range of tasks, to share information and to enjoy each other's company - and the coffee.

You can choose the tasks. Some members like talking to visitors, some like researching historical records or the on-going task of cataloging our collection.

Some of the ways volunteers can assist include:—

  • Maintenance of the museum
  • Care of objects and records in our collections
  • Helping with research requests from the public
  • Assisting with displays in the museum
  • Recording and cataloging Historical items, including photographs, documents and objects
  • Finding new items to add to our collections
  • Photographing the District
  • Adding to our Blogs
  • Keeping our website up to date

Staffing the Museum on Sundays

Official Museum opening 1979.

Volunteering on Sundays is a good way to become more familiar with the museum's collections. There are always more experienced members to assist new volunteers.

The museum requires 4 volunteers each Sunday afternoon

  • To set up and open at 2PM
  • To greet visitors and direct them to their areas of interest
  • To show visitors our collections and assist with searching records
  • To assist visitors, where permitted, with obtaining copies of Photographs and other records.
  • To assist with closing down procedures.
  • To assist with research requests
  • Other enquiries

Management Committee

HHS is managed by an elected committee. Members are elected to the positions of President, Vice President, Secretery and Treasurer. There are also elected general committee members.

Some members take on specific roles such as Publicity and Editing the Newsletter.

Nominations for Election to the Committee and to executive positions are open to all paid up members and elections take place at the Annual General Meeting on the second Tuesday of October.

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Heidelberg Historical Society (Inc. No. A0042118P)