Heidelberg Historical Society

1041 Heidelberg Road

Posted on Tuesday, 22nd September 2020 by Janine Rizzetti

Image: Graeme Butler Flickr https://www.flickr.com/.../in/album-72157670455708935/

Now that it has been completely enclosed by a high-rise building, it’s easy to forget how distinctive 1041 Heidelberg Road was in the past, located on the corner near to the Darebin Railway Station. It was built in 1935, with Stella Kenehan registered as the first owner, and Reginald Day as the first occupier. He had previously conducted a newsagency some doors up towards Ivanhoe at number 1045. It later became a combined newsagency/Post Office. The building remained a newsagency for the next 50-odd years, as it still was in this 1982 photograph by Graeme Butler. “Stokers” Pancakes can be seen to the left.

In recent years it has been a trampoline and pedal cart store, a wedding photography shop and more recently a coffee shop.

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