Heidelberg Historical Society
Mr May's Grand Grocery Store
Posted on Thursday, 18th March 2021 by Janine Rizzetti
The grocery store built by John May in 1899 on the corner of Burgundy and Hawdon Streets is up for sale, along with adjoining buildings.
This image from about 1900-1909 shows the store while it was operating as a grocery store, with a wrap-around verandah on both sides. The large sliding door that still faces the Burgundy St side is a sign of its former life as a grocery store right up until the mid 1960s.
The ‘Heidelberg News’ of 9 June 1899 announced the opening of the new store when it was constructed:
Slowly but surely the township of Heidelberg is making headway. Quite recently a number of handsome new buildings have been erected. One of the most noticeable of these, both for the conspicuous position and its handsome substantial appearance, is the two-storey brick shop and dwelling occupied by Mr E.F. Frost situate at the corner of Hawdon and Burgundy Streets. The building was erected to the order of Mr John May who has thus marked his faith in the prospective prosperity of the district, and the same may be said of Mr Frost, the occupier, who is far and away our most enterprising and up-to-date businessman. The fittings of the commodious shop are superb, and Mr Frost has a large varied and first quality stock, quite equal to anything to be seen in a city establishment. When the railway is built and Burgundy Street becomes a thoroughfare of bustle and life, he will, no doubt, command a large share of the merchant trade. The prices are as low as those current in any of the leading popular cash grocers’ warehouses in Melbourne.
Image: Detail from SLV image. http://handle.slv.vic.gov.au/10381/295306
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