Heidelberg Historical Society

Eye Spy A Mile Post!

Posted on Saturday, 27th May 2023 by Janine Rizzetti

This wooden mile post showing 5 (V) miles to Greensborough and 8 (VIII) miles to Melbourne originally stood in Rosanna Road, close to the current entrance to Warringal Shopping Centre. But it was removed in March 1942 when the Minister For War Organization of Industry ordered that all road signs, railway station names and mile posts be removed in case Australia was invaded by Japan. After a year, the order was rescinded and in June 1943 the signs- including this mile post- were put back into place. You can see the mile post, and 165 other objects from the Heidelberg Historical Society collection at our ‘Eye Spy’ exhibition, open every Sunday between 2 and 5 p.m. at the Old Heidelberg Court House, Jika Street Heidelberg. Entry $5.00

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