The Scarces were among the early settlers at Kangaroo Ground. Henry Scarce, a farm labourer from Suffolk, had arrived in Melbourne in 1848 aboard the Berkshire. Initially he worked as a labourer and in 1851 married Rebecca Weller (1829-1900). Later he carted supplies to the gold fields by bullock team and by 1869 was able to select several parcels of land at Kangaroo Ground. Henry and Rebecca had five children: it was their second son Henry who married Phebe Thomson Jardine (1855-1933), see [H2], granddaughter of early pioneers, John and Margaret Jardine, in 1880. ‘Henry Scarce’ Tim Oates Family Tree, viewed 27 February 2019.
Woiwod, M (1994) Kangaroo Ground: The Highland Taken, Tarcoola Press pp. 138-140.
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