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Heidelberg’s Busy Bee Signature Quilt, 1895-96

Square L4

Quilt square L4


Mable Bennell


Further research may be required into the person represented on this square. It is quite possible that the square is misspelt and should read 'Mabel Bennell'.

Further information

Mabel Annie Jane Bennell (1886-1980) was the only daughter of the builder Benjamin Bennell (1846-1908) [K10] and his wife Jane Slater (1851-1918). Married in 1874, the couple had four children, three boys and a girl.1. Mabel would have been nine or ten years old when the quilt was being made and it’s easy to imagine her father or mother buying a square in her name.


  1. Ancestry.com ‘ Benjamin Bennell Facts’, Melinda Eddington Family Tree, viewed 29 February 2020.

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